
Don’t Do These 5 Things After a Car Accident

According to the NHSTA, over six million car accidents happen every year in the U.S. While car accident prevention is key to staying safe, you also need to know what to do if you are in a car accident.

Let’s take a look at five of the top things you should not do after a car accident, so you know what to do instead.

1. Leave the Scene

It is illegal to leave the scene in many states. If your vehicle is in a dangerous position, you may need to move it to the side of the road after an auto accident. Otherwise, try to keep the scene untouched. It will provide evidence that is needed for the investigation.

Your  autobody service  can help move the car from the scene after the investigation is completed. This will also help ensure additional damage does not occur and restore your car to a safe condition.

2. Underestimate Injuries

Feeling sore, stiff, or disoriented after an accident may be signs of a more serious injury. Neglecting to get medical help could allow a car accident injury to become worse or aggravate it, taking more time to heal.

If you make it seem like you’re not hurt when you really are, insurance companies could call your injury claim into question later. This could make the claims process much harder later.

Instead, say exactly how you feel. Keep a tab on how you feel over the next few hours and days and seek medical care even if your injuries don’t seem too severe.

3. Neglect to Call the Police

In Pennsylvania, you  need to report an accident  if there are injuries or death, or for vehicle damage that prevents at least one party from driving away from the scene. Don’t let another party talk you out of calling.

In addition, it is helpful to have professionals examine the vehicles and any injuries. This can help support your claim later, plus you will have an official report.

4. Fail to Gather Evidence

You need to gather evidence before the car crash can be cleared. You’ll want to collect the other driver’s name, phone number, driver’s license number, and license plate number. You also need the name of their insurance company and their policy number.

If there are any witnesses, be sure to ask for their names and contact information. Get a copy of the accident report and the badge number of the officer who completed the report too.

Take pictures of the scene, damage to all vehicles, and the position of the vehicles. Take a video of the entire scene too.

5. Admit Fault

You might be tempted to say “I’m sorry” to the other driver. While it may seem harmless, it could be misconstrued as an admission of guilt.

Insurance companies may try to find ways to deny your claim. If they think you have admitted or implied that the fault was yours, they can use it to bolster their decision.

However, you should be sure to notify your own auto insurance company. You are contractually required to tell them and could lose your coverage if you don’t.

What to Do After a Car Accident

It might be tempting to do some of these five common things after a car accident. However, doing so could make the process a lot more difficult for you. Make sure you take the right steps, including contacting a trusted autobody service.

If you are in an accident, call Limerick Auto Body  to get your car back on the road.


Beat the Heat With These 5 Summer Car Maintenance Tips

The United States is experiencing record high temperatures and unprecedented heatwaves.

As you prepare to stay cool this summer, don’t forget about the importance of car maintenance. High temperatures can mean trouble for your car, and you don’t want to be stuck on the side of the road in these record-breaking temps.

Keep reading for our top 5 car maintenance tips to beat the heat this summer.

Get an Oil Change

It’s always best to get your oil changed at the start of each season.

High temperatures increase the demand on your oil and your oil filter. When your oil is clean, your engine will function better and last longer.

When you get your oil changed, be sure to get your oil filter changed as well. You should also ask your mechanic to check your tire alignment, especially if your car has been in an accident.

Check Your Fluid Levels

Weather changes can affect fluid levels. Check your power steering fluid, windshield wiper fluid, transmission fluid, and especially your coolant fluid levels before hitting the road this summer.

If you aren’t sure how to check these fluid levels or top them off, your local mechanic will be happy to help.

Check Your Tire Pressure

Outside temperatures also affect your tire pressure. In cool conditions, tires will lose air each month. When summer hits, you want to make sure your tires are properly inflated.

Underinflated tires with low air pressure wear out more quickly, which can be expensive. Find out the recommended tire pressure for your vehicle and keep all of your tires, including your spare, properly inflated.

Test Your Battery

Did you know that increased temperatures affect your car’s battery life?

High temperatures in the summer lead to more fluid loss and oxidization of your car battery. This can reduce its life expectancy and lead to unexpected failure.

You don’t want to end up stranded in the summer heat because of a dead battery. Be sure to test it ahead of time.

Have Your Brakes Checked

Your brakes are probably the most important safety feature on your car.

Road trips, stop-and-go traffic, poor weather, and just regular wear and tear can all affect the function of your brakes. You don’t want to find out that your breaks are failing when it’s too late.

If you feel you need to use extra pressure to stop or are hearing noises when you brake, you may need a car repair.

Are You In Need of Summer Car Maintenance?

As you prepare to stay cool this summer, don’t forget about the needs of your car.

A vehicle is a major investment and part of protecting that investment is regular car maintenance. If you need to get your ride fixed up for the summer season, we are here for you.

Click here to contact us today to learn more about our car repair services.